One of the best-kept secrets of Quaker Hill Country Club is Croquet. The grounds crew carefully care for the regulation size court, and it is in excellent condition. Located in one of the most beautiful spots of the club, the court is surrounded by a golf course where there is usually a cooling breeze. Continue reading about the Quaker Hill Country Club Croquet weekly games.
Please see the link to our simplified rules for the games we typically play at Quaker Hill Country Club.

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Weekly Games
Members meet every Saturday morning for weekly play at 10 am dressed in customary whites. Two games are usually completed. The game at QHCC is Jamaican Rules which complements the club’s casually exclusive atmosphere. Newcomers are most welcome, and the players are always there to explain the game and give on-the-spot instructions.
Members may play during the week at their leisure or join the regulars on Saturday morning. There are benches at each end of the court where spectators often enjoy the sport.